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Nikon D2H Sunset Photos

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  • AAFO_WSagar
    Re: Nikon D2H Sunset Photos

    Originally posted by Arboc
    It seems everyones Pics are much better than when this started,,huh?
    LOL.. ain't that the truth! On the sunset shots, I literally had to convince my GF that I was not cheating to get that red look..

    I think the camera enhances it a bit but, I was out there for about 30 minutes prior to finally giving up thinking the "red stuff" would not happen, even though, it really looked like a good setup for it.. Then as I was downloading the card from the previous, boring sunset shots, I looked outside and darned if it wasn't doing the red thing. Only lasts for a few minutes but it sure is pretty!

    Some of the stuff that contributors are sending up here these days is fantastic! Way better than I usually do!


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  • Arboc
    Re: Nikon D2H Sunset Photos

    It seems everyones Pics are much better than when this started,,huh?

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  • AAFO_WSagar
    Re: Nikon D2H Sunset Photos

    Originally posted by T. Adams
    Nice shots, next thing I know I'm going to see Wayne Sagar's name all over at!!
    Ahhh.. I don't think so.. wuz nuttin else to shoot and I wanted to play with my new toy..


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  • T. Adams
    Re: Nikon D2H Sunset Photos

    Nice shots, next thing I know I'm going to see Wayne Sagar's name all over at!!

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  • AAFO_WSagar
    started a topic Nikon D2H Sunset Photos

    Nikon D2H Sunset Photos

    Don't know if I actually mentioned it yet but... with the D1 gone south on me, and me not having enough bux to get a Canon 1DmkII, plus the lens swap that would be necessary. I found some room on my plastic future and got a D2H and a 24-120 VR.

    Just fooling around tonight, have not yet shot an airplane with it.. but, I really do like the camera. It's not 8mp, but it does shoot 8fps (if I ever need it) and has a huge buffer and it's FAST!

    Anyway, here's a couple from this evening. And I just added a couple from last weekend..
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