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  • Question?

    I've read on here that solo military shows will be very limited starting this year. Is this true? Is this for all branches of the military? What will happen to shows such as Miramar? Thanks

  • #2
    Re: Question?

    If the DM AFB show this weekend was any indication, solo demos will be pretty thin. There was a B-2 fly-by on Saturday that was cool and an Osprey demo.
    Sky Critter


    • #3
      Re: Question?

      That is what I have been hearing as well. In my area, the airshow hosted by Lackland AFB has already been cancelled for 2012.

      I have not heard anything more about a contingency plan to deactivate the Blue Angels, but if the proposed budget cuts take place the military will be stretched very thin and training needs will take priority over public relations.


      • #4
        Re: Question?

        All Air Force solo demos are stopped with the exception of a handful of heritage flights.. Navy may still have a few solos but it will be limited. The Birds and the Blues will continue as scheduled. With the military draw down numbers that are coming, recruiting will take a back seat for a while.


        • #5
          Re: Question?

          I think they've canceled most active duty demo units in the AF, with the exception of the F22 and the Thunderbirds. There are reserve and guard demo units out there (like the Hawaii guard who have been coming to Reno), which may or not be flying. I suspect these actual cancellations, and the rumor mill about the Blues/others is posturing by the DoD to save their budgets. If they're gonna lose money, the first thing the voters are going to lose is their beloved airshows. In reality, demo teams are a drop in the military budget bucket.


          • #6
            Re: Question?

            I'm pretty solid on the info and i know that the Air Force is limited this year but will still make appearances. Navy has their regular East and West Coast hornet/superhornet demo teams. For mirimar I know that they will be having a F-22 demo, F-18 (I think super hornet) and a T-6 Texan II demo. Reno is also having F-22 and super-hornet demos too!!!
            Here is the BEST place to be caught up with info...


            Hope this helps!!!
            Reno from '99 to '22


            • #7
              Re: Question?


              Thanks for the link.

              The figure I heard for the Blues budget was $37 million. Peanuts compared to the Navy's budget, but if the "automatic" budget cuts go into effect the armed forces are going to have a very difficult time meeting their real world requirements and such expenditures may have to be cut. Frankly, many projections see the armed forces unable to meet their real world requirements in the short term and longer term demands will be unmet because of several factors, including, but certainly not limited to a lack of investment in new equipment to replace the things that are simply worn out, much less the development of new weapons systems.

              Did you see the NASA flyby over D.C. today? I was beginning to think they were going to fly until Congress increased their budget or they ran out of gas. It was a rather extended, and shameless publicity stunt. I doubt it will make a bit of difference in their budget though.



              • #8
                Re: Question?

                Originally posted by RBriscoe View Post

                Did you see the NASA flyby over D.C. today? I was beginning to think they were going to fly until Congress increased their budget or they ran out of gas. It was a rather extended, and shameless publicity stunt. I doubt it will make a bit of difference in their budget though.

                Cheers for NASA!


                • #9
                  Re: Question?

                  I happen to turn to the NASA channel and thought that there must have been some kind of issue with landing gear deployment or something since there was a T-38 flight with it. I've never seen them fly a chase plane when the shuttle was moved. NASA must have an excess amount in their jet fuel budget. I saw a documentary that gave the fuel consumpution rate of that aircraft and it was jaw dropping.......something like one gal per hundred yards. That number was pulled out of my
                  , so I might be off a little.



                  • #10
                    Re: Question?

                    From the Sacramento Bee


                    • #11
                      Re: Question?

                      Seems like a large majority of members participating on this message board want less government spending. Guess the Armed Forces are doing just that. So stop bitching about less military demos. Just my opinion.

                      Frank C.


                      • #12
                        Re: Question?

                        Get us out of Afganistan and Irak. Save our troops from dying in vain, and then maybe there would ba a couple of billion dollars left for a demo or two.

                        P.S. I did two tours in Viet-Nam as a USMC Sgt. I am not a "Dove" I am a "Shooter" but if thier naxt door neighbor (Russia) lost in eight years of combat, do the math, the practacality, and the predictability.

                        Semper Fi


                        • #13
                          Re: Question?

                          Originally posted by Mystical Power View Post
                          Get us out of Afganistan and Irak. Save our troops from dying in vain, and then maybe there would ba a couple of billion dollars left for a demo or two.

                          P.S. I did two tours in Viet-Nam as a USMC Sgt. I am not a "Dove" I am a "Shooter" but if thier naxt door neighbor (Russia) lost in eight years of combat, do the math, the practacality, and the predictability.

                          Semper Fi
                          Could not agree with you More Tom.. I "get" the strategic value of the area, but can not agree with the type "limited war" that we only seem to be able to fight since WWII ended...

                          If it's of enough value to occupy, thereby condemning to death many people on both sides, then it ought to be worth waging war with the full force available to us.

                          I would actually consider myself somewhat of a "dove"... but a dove that knows that sometimes it has to fight for its life.. "limited war"?... Two words that do not go together.. War is WAR... if you're going to fight it, then fight it with everything you've got...

                          I guess I am saying "Nuke the F#$KERS, let God sort it out" I just can't stand watching "limited war" bleed us, one noble young person at a time.

                          OTHERWISE... roll up your bags, grab your guns and trucks... boys and girls, we's goin' home!
                          Wayne Sagar
                          "Pusher of Electrons"


                          • #14
                            Re: Question?

                            Well BS FrankC. How about cutting welfare, foodstamps & freebies to the illegals for starts? GSA trips,politicians using taxpayer money flying all over the world on military planes. I could write at least 4 pages on waste in the Gov't that don't include the military. And by the way why don't some of the liberal millionaries donate their money to help out?
                            Lockheed Bob


                            • #15
                              Re: Question?

                              Originally posted by Lockheed Bob View Post
                              Well BS FrankC. How about cutting welfare, foodstamps & freebies to the illegals for starts? GSA trips,politicians using taxpayer money flying all over the world on military planes. I could write at least 4 pages on waste in the Gov't that don't include the military. And by the way why don't some of the liberal millionaries donate their money to help out?

