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  • Furias

    I heard a rumor that Bruce Bohannon might be flying Furias this year. Has anyone else heard this?

  • #2
    Re: Furias

    I guess if I see bruce at Sun-N-Fun, in a couple of weeks i will have to ask him about this rumor........
    bob burns
    ex tow-3, now race 66 crew
    "dont mess with texas"


    • #3
      Re: Furias

      Originally posted by alaskaracer
      I heard a rumor that Bruce Bohannon might be flying Furias this year. Has anyone else heard this?
      Hummn, I'd be real surprised but, you never know!

      I talked with Bill Rogers for a few minutes the other day, and one of the crew a day or two before, neither said anything about a driver change.

      But, then, that doesn't mean much!

      Bout the only way I'd think Gary would want to step aside would be if Rhino got Risky done and needed Gary to fill the seat in BA...

      But then, wouldn't BA be a Silver airplane? If so, he should be able to squeeze in both airplanes.. hummn...

      Lots of rumors floating about this year. Gonna have to get busy and track some of these down I guess..

      Wayne Sagar
      "Pusher of Electrons"


      • #4
        Re: Furias

        Knowing Gary Hubler professionally I don't think that he is going to give up his ride with Furias anytime soon, giving the performance that he put in at Reno last year with his 5th place finish. This has been the best finish for Furias in many a years. If you would like to talk to Mr. Hubler just contact him through his work office Valley Air Service in Caldwell, Idaho.


        • #5
          Re: Furias

          Waitin' on the engine to come back to BA cave...may not make Reno this year in either "rides".....
          Randy Rheinschild


          • #6
            Re: Furias

            I spoke with a ExxonMobil avaition rep this week and Bruce was going to be the backup pilot in Furias but Bruce didnt feel he would have time this year to get the necessary time in the plane to be ready for Reno. Perhaps next year we will see him in a unlimited.

