- Jim Wright
Prepares For His Record
Flight. Sept 13, 2002 |
Hughes was the builder of
the original Hughes H-1B
(serial #1), which now
sits in the Smithsonian
Institute in Washington
DC. Back in 1935 he flew
that aircraft to a new
land speed record and for
a brief period of time
was the fastest person
ever to pilot a land
airplane. He was a man
with remarkable ambition
who built his dreams for
himself instead of
waiting for the world to
create them for him. He
was also a secretive man.
His life and his
accomplishments are somewhat of a
mystery, and the H-1 is no
exception. The history books only
touch briefly on the H-1, an
airplane that Hughes reportedly
considered one of his greatest
shattered two world records in
the original H-1 before he
retired the aircraft, eventually
donating it to the Air &
Space Museum at the Smithsonian
Institute in Washington D.C.
where it sits in a place of
honor. After setting the
transcontinental speed record in
1937, Howard Hughes would never
again fly the H-1 Racer. The
public would have to wait almost
65 years to see an H-1 fly again.
That happened at 7:15 A.M. on
July 9, 2002, when serial number
two flew for the first time
the history of the H-1
and of Hughes during that
era was an intriguing
challenge. The impact
that the original
aircraft had on aviation
made it a natural choice
for a team that wanted to
build a one of a kind
reproduction. Barely
forty hours were flown on
the original. Yet,
according to the
Smithsonian Institute,
"The Hughes H-1
racer was a major
milestone aircraft on the
road to such radial
engine-powered World War
II fighters as the
American Grumman F6F
Hellcat and Republic P-47
Thunderbolt, the Japanese
Mitsubishi Type 0 (Zero),
and the German Focke-WuIf
FW 190." |

Wright Warms Up The
In The Hughes Racer
Replica Prior
To His Record Breaking
Flight At Reno |
The H-1 broke the
world speed record at 352 mile
per hour, could fly from standard
runways, had practical flight
characteristics, and had an
almost unimaginable range of
nearly 4000 miles! Hughes flew
the H-1 from Los Angeles
California to Newark New Jersey
in 7 hours 23 minutes without
stopping for fuel. That was fast
enough to capture the world
record, and that was in 1937!
the goal of the Racer Team was to
recreate the aircraft as
precisely as possible, the Team
needed access to the original.
Using Paul Matt drawings of The
Racer, estimates were made
regarding fuselage and wing
shape. Then reverse templates
were cut using these estimates.
The Smithsonian graciously
allowed members of The Team
access to the H-1 outside of
normal business hours to make
measurements. The reverse
templates were held up to the
actual H-1, and notes were made
where they did not match. Several
trips to Washington D.C. were
required during the design phase.
With each trip, the Racer Team
gained new appreciation for the
genius of Howard Hughes. Whatever
else Hughes may have been, his
genius in aircraft design was
becoming apparent.
of pictures were taken, and pages
upon pages of notes were made.
While this work was being done,
hundreds of man-hours were spent
in research. It seemed like
everyone that had any knowledge
of the original H-1 was eager to
help. We were impressed with
companies such as Pratt &
Whitney, Stoddard Hamilton, and
others who happily opened their
historical archives to help us
understand Hughes and the H-1
better. We learned from the
historian at Pratt & Whitney,
Jack Connors, the history of the
R-1535 that we have, as well as
the history of the original that
sits on the H-1 in the
Smithsonian. They actually have
documented history on each and
every engine that they have
built. It turns out that Pratt
& Whitney had leased the
engine to Hughes for the
record-breaking attempt. Mr.
Connors noted (with a chuckle)
that there was no record that
Hughes ever actually paid Pratt
& Whitney for the engine!

Morning Light Falls On
Desert Hills As Jim
Wright Breaks
The 3K Record For The
Weight Class
Of The Hughes Racer |
learned from an original
test engineer on the
R-1535, Skip Eveleth,
that in his opinion the
engine was one of the
most trouble free twin
row engines built. Skip
worked directly with
Howard Hughes on the
project. Skip was a test
engineer on the R-1535 in
the 1930's and assisted
in tracking down the
original performance
figures for the R-1535
for our Racer Team. There
were less than 3000 of
the R-1535 engines made,
and today they are
exceedingly rare. Most
are believed to have been
destroyed. We believe
that the engine installed
on the Racer replica is
the only known flying
example of a P&W
R-1535 in the world. |
Howard was anxious
to work with Skip to obtain
performance figures on the
engine. At the time these were
considered classified. Apparently
Pratt & Whitney wanted Hughes
to have the data, despite the
classification. According to
Skip, Howard was directed to an
office that by "sheer
coincidence" had the
performance figures laid open
upon the desk. Howard was
instructed to wait in the room
while they reviewed his request
for the data. Skip's boss
returned a short time later to
inform Hughes that his request
for the information was denied.
With a grin Hughes replied that
he would no longer need it. Skip
also recalled, (with a chuckle)
that when Howard Hughes called
him to discuss the data, that he
called him collect. Skip asked
his boss if he could accept
collect calls to which his boss
replied, "Only from Howard
had many discussions with one of
the original design engineers on
the H-1, Mr. John Newbury. John
revealed much about the project,
and what it was like to work for
Howard. Apparently Howard had a
habit of wearing sneakers, which
allowed him to walk about very
quietly. Howard would often
stealthily enter a work area to
monitor his staff without being
detected. He was not always
successful with this though. John
recalled with humor that at times
Howard would go a considerable
time between washings of his
sneakers - the odor of which
would then betray his presence.
spent several hundred
man-hours trying to
locate the original
blueprints. We had
several leads and tips,
and tracked the prints as
far as Lakeland Florida.
Unfortunately, we failed
to locate them. This
challenged the design
team to "back
engineer" the
structures in the
aircraft that are hidden
from view. Considerable
engineering time went
into the reproduction.
Old photos of the
internal wing structure
were pored over.
Additionally, we were
able to obtain the wind
tunnel data done on the
original aircraft (GALCIT
report #135). |

Director Ron Englund
And The Author Watch
Nervously As Jim
Wright Flies Repeated
Passes On
The 3K Course At Reno |
The Hughes team
spent over 90 days at the wind
tunnel at the Guggenheim
Aeronautical Laboratory,
California Institute of
Technology (GALCIT). Howard
Hughes did not make guesses or
leave things to chance. He was
insistent that things got done
right, regardless of the expense.
implementation phase overlapped
the planning/design phase for the
building of the replica. Major
factors involved were the
coordination of subcontractors,
selecting talented and compatible
team members, coordination with
suppliers, and managing the
hundreds of visitors. The
coordination of subcontractors
was sometimes challenging as time
estimates were often exceeded.
All tolled over 35,000 man-hours
went into the replica. Some of
the most talented artisans in the
industry were employed on the

Never Pushed It This
Ron Englund, Now Jubilant
About The
Successful Record
Attempt, Shakes
Jim Wright's Hand "We Did
It" |
team members was
straightforward. All were
local pilots, all had
experience with
completing experimental
aircraft projects (some
award winning), and two
are certified aircraft
mechanics. A total of
five team members
constituted the main
team: Jim Wright, Ron
Englund, Dave Payne, Mike
Mann, and Al Sherman.
Support to the team is
provided by employees of
Wright Machine Tool. |
Their efforts have
not gone unnoticed. Local radio
personality and pilot, Bill
Barret, expressed his views in an
open comment posted to the Racer
Team on their forum. Bill was
present at one of the initial
flights and said, "... I
tried to express to Jim (Wright),
how much the H-1 project
demonstrates the sometimes
intangible American Spirit. I was
in the Saturday throng that
watched and listened with
childlike excitement as Jim
taxied out for take-off. When the
H-1 surged off the runway and
climbed powerfully into the blue,
I was proud to see their dream
realized. Although tucked away in
a small hangar in Cottage Grove,
Oregon this project speaks loud
and clear to the spirit of
America. Individuals grasping a
challenge and seeing it become a
gleaming reality. Jim and
dedicated crew saw the goal, and
did the hard work with obvious
skill and patience. I was
delighted to see the H-1 fly and
to share its' story with my
children ..."
is difficult to capture (in
words) the scope of an
undertaking like this. I have
been around a lot of experimental
aircraft. Building an aircraft is
not easy. It has been likened by
some to climbing a mountain. In
that sense the H-1B is the Mount
Everest of experimental homebuilt
aircraft. It has taken the
talents of dozens of people to
make it all come together. It has
taken stubborn patience, hard
work and an unprecedented
attention to detail to reproduce
this airplane. The list of
talents employed to complete the
project include: machinists,
engineers, wood workers, metal
workers, mechanics, assemblers,
painters, electricians,
secretaries and computer
draftsmen. Above all else, it
took the dream of one man who
wanted to be the fastest man in
the world, and the later dream of
another who wanted to recreate
that vision.

Racer Replica Owners
Jim & Betty Wright At
Reno, NV.
Moments After The Record
Speed Run, Friday, Sept
13, 2002 |
was once asked why
anybody would want to
tackle such a project.
There really isn't a
single canned answer to
this. This aircraft is
many different things to
different people. It is
tough to put into words.
There is something
timeless about the
aircraft. It exudes an
aura unlike any other
aircraft that I have
seen. A
senior editor with Air
& Space magazine once
wrote us,"...it
appears as a silver
apparition, a ghostly
incarnation of one of the
most beautiful airplanes
ever built."
On September 13,
2002, Jim Wright flew the H-1
Replica to a new speed record (in
category). The NAA man in charge
of officials at the event noted
later that his assistant had
tears in her eyes as she watched
Jim Wright sail over the timing
was not alone. This is the power
of the legacy that Howard Hughes
left behind. continue >>