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Battleship (The Movie)

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  • Battleship (The Movie)

    The Navy wins again!! Me and Mary liked it. Farfetched, stupid science fiction, we enjoyed it.
    Imagine Mighty Mo with a weapons load in time for aliens??
    Still fun and should get some to enlist.
    Go Navy

  • #2
    Re: Battleship (The Movie)

    I'm with you! Really a lot of fun to see them throw that huge ship around and use Han Solo strategy to beat the "pirates".


    • #3
      Re: Battleship (The Movie)

      Originally posted by GeeBeeZ1931 View Post
      I'm with you! Really a lot of fun to see them throw that huge ship around and use Han Solo strategy to beat the "pirates".

      A film about a sea-going 'Dreadnaught' from another world?.....hmmmmm....
      "I gotta bad feeling about this..."


      OK. I saw yesterday. My no-spoiler review is:

      Special FX:

      Acting quality:

      Story line:


      Entertainment value:



      Go see it if you like "fun" movies once in a while.


      • #4
        Re: Battleship (The Movie)

        Hummn.. kinda like a decent review of Thunder Over Reno might have sounded back in the day... except there was no CG in TOR...

        Still don't know why, as a community, we were do hard on that movie? Especially, given the names attached to it for the flying stuff..

        I know there are many "feet" of digi HD shot from the various camera platforms that are still "unseen" to the general public.. Sure wish there was a way for Mitch, Robert or one of the principals to get the rest of it out there.

        There was, for a while, some footage from the A2A platforms that was for sale somewhere.. I don't have it, have seen bits and pieces, but could sit and watch some of it on a loop for hours!

        Why is a landing gear cycle at sunset air to air sexy?
        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Re: Battleship (The Movie)

          Well Wayne, I can honestly say that the acting in 'Battleship', as so-so as I found it, was MUCH better than what I saw performed in T.O.R., IMO of course.

          I can only dream of what the Reno-themed film could have been given the same money and resources this new movie's production company enjoyed. ....You can't buy a BMW on a Yugo budget.


          • #6
            Re: Battleship (The Movie)

            The story and acting in TOR were simply below par (playing nice) to the point that it would have made a good Zomboo movie if it was "scary" enough...
            The filming, however, was first rate. I'm with you Wayne, a DVD of the cut out footage would be awesome and I would be in line with you.
            Even elements of it, using better actors and good rework of the story (the premise of a young racer competing the first time, trials and tribulations, sound familiar) and a workable budget could make it a good movie.
            At least they TRIED, something nobody else has the guts to do it seems.
            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


            • #7
              Re: Battleship (The Movie)

              Had Bob had another partner that could write, the TOR movie might have been OK and had a lot of fans.
              The editing was spectacularly bad, so the "talent" portions showed the weaknesses of the actors, not their strengths.
              I've seen guys win Oscars with less, but the mores were in the right places.

              If you want to use a Crescent wrench in the story, great, but the story board has to be detailed and exact, no editor can be trusted to know the 5 W's of it and succeed. It has to be mecahnical, no fluid allowed, too.

              Just like the end of the Amelia movie, the lady director hadn't a clue about the technical side so she blew a perfect chance to have us on the edge of our seats the last ten minutes as the clock counted down (what clock?) as the fuel burned down (what fuel?) and the distances lengthened (what distance?), the courses were critical (map and a compass?), and the radio reception diminished (you need a long trailing antennae, I thought we had satellites?), etc. She should have had us all hooked.

              Good movies happen on purpose, even with those TOR actors the movie could have been good, Ole Big Jaw and Cutie Pie had a lot of personality. They just weren't directed.

              With the right guys doing the direction/editing it could've been there, and that's the difference. (The rushes must have been a scream!)
              Production and money spent was right up there!

              My writer/critic friend saw it and said we could re-edit it and make it so much better, but then he laughed and went on a 5 minute description of how it all went wrong...



              • #8
                Re: Battleship (The Movie)

                What do I know, I walked out on Borat because it was simply terrible beyond description... in my humble opinion.. But it was obviously a great movie, won awards, made it's director/star/producer very famous...

                Interesting to note that when the movie showed to non-air racing, "middle America" crowds... "comment card" results were always good...

                With a grain of salt, because of the quality and intentions of the cast and crew (creative talent included) the almost desperate attention to detail in the cinematography of the A2A stuff... (even brought the planes back to Reno for some footage taken from an L-39, which only probably consisted of 10-15 seconds, if that in the total movie) I will always look at TOR as a half full glass, rather than the other way...

                Could we have had that movie with big Hollywood, "box office" level talent? Yup, money's there, it would always be a matter of selling the idea to the guys with the big $$. If the mainstream movie-makers did get that backing, would they have done it with real airplanes or CG? Will this level of movie about air racing ever be made in Hollywood?

                Probably not but sadly, now that there has been world-wide attention given to the sport, odds are much better... But it would probably be a "disaster" movie and focus on a very negative aspect of racing.

                See ya in a week or so...

                PS... sorry for dragging this thread
                but we were on the subject of bad movies and I could not resist comment on how much better this "bad movie" (battleship) was being received by the air race fans on this board........
                Wayne Sagar
                "Pusher of Electrons"


                • #9
                  Re: Battleship (The Movie)

                  We're a tough crowd. Unless asked, I am discouraged from making comments during movies with aircraft in them...
                  I'll admit I've watched it several times. The filming is worth it.
                  Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                  • #10
                    Re: Battleship (The Movie)

                    The critiques of Battleship would likey be much different on here if we all had been attending the NCSR (National Championship Sea Races) for the last few decades, watching the Iowa, Missouri, Yamato, Bismarck, etc... race around buoys.

                    And yes, I'd pay to see that every year to...
                    Sky Critter


                    • #11
                      Re: Battleship (The Movie)

                      Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post
                      What do I know, I walked out on Borat because it was simply terrible beyond description... in my humble opinion.. But it was obviously a great movie, won awards, made it's director/star/producer very famous...

                      Did you ever get to see "The Blair Witch"?

                      Fans, critics and media raved about it for months, but after I rented and viewed that amateur-produced film based on those reviews, my first immediate comment was "What the hell was that XXXX?"

                      Go figure...

                      Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar View Post

                      PS... sorry for dragging this thread
                      but we were on the subject of bad movies and I could not resist comment on how much better this "bad movie" (battleship) was being received by the air race fans on this board........

                      No worries on the topic drift. Despite the dedicated forum thread format, group face-to-face conversations can topic-drift, so why not an online one?

                      (P.S......Why'd did B-ship do better?

                      Lots-a stuff goes BOOM, Jeb! Them space critters done blown up real gud! We gotta go see it agin! Tell maw & paw ta' come!


                      In plain English, BS had the SFX eye-candy to make up for what's lacking as far as the average viewer is concerned. Put CGI-created lasers on Rare Bear and Strega and watch the masses flock to the theaters in droves.)

                      Last edited by AirDOGGe; 06-01-2012, 05:23 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Battleship (The Movie)

                        I felt dirty after watching Borat!


                        • #13
                          Re: Battleship (The Movie)

                          Originally posted by stuntflyr View Post
                          I felt dirty after watching Borat!
                          Only movie I've ever walked out on. IMHO, it depicted all forms of humans in it quite poorly. If I were an alien watching that movie and was trying to determine the fate of this planet.... scary!

                          Point I walked out was the monkey spank on the window display, shortly after the USA scenes began...

                          I'd been trying to think positive and was hoping for something that would allow me to see a point to this highly reviewed movie.. That particular scene took my hard to shock ass out the door in a big hurry... what a waste of time!
                          Wayne Sagar
                          "Pusher of Electrons"


                          • #14
                            Re: Battleship (The Movie)

                            After that review I guess I'm glad I never had the pleasure, or in this case the pain of seeing that film. The previews never interested me I guess.

                            I may still watch it someday out of curiosity, but now I have the proper lack-of-expectations to do so and endure the entire flick with brain cells undamaged (no more than usual that is ). Appreciate the warning.

