A Big Thank you to: Randy Goss, Al Goss and Dick Jones.
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Nellis, Sundays T-6 race
Re: Nellis, Sundays T-6 race
Originally posted by MRussellI don't think I've ever seen a race before where they allowed a passenger (observer?) in each plane.
Nice photo Victor!
Re: Nellis, Sundays T-6 race
Originally posted by MluvaraKeywords... NOT A RACE. This is a demo with safety observers. The race is generally briefed and scripted beforehand.
Nice photo Victor!
Safety Observer: "OK Tom, we've got race four coming up on our right...."
Tom: "--"
Safety Observer: "Here comes Al"
As Michael said, it was not a race.. potential finish orders were discussed as well as how to reach those orders..
That these discussed finishes required power changes that, at times, were at maximum did nothing to decrease safety of the demonstrations or the impact of the demonstration on the crowd and the pilot/observer combinations....
OK.. next observation then becomes...
Who Won??
Wayne Sagar
"Pusher of Electrons"
Re: Nellis, Sundays T-6 race
A few more from yesterday.. Very special thanks to Tom Dwelle and his lovely daughters, one of whom gave up her seat for my flight!
It was something very special to fly with one of my heroes in life! Especially watching him do something he loves so much...
One of the shots is not very good quality but is the best I could manage shooting blind behind us, against the g's which made the camera pretty heavy and tended to throw my blind aim off..
WayneWayne Sagar
"Pusher of Electrons"
Re: Nellis, Sundays T-6 race
This is so not fair!!!! I also wanna be up there in a T-6 in the sky!!! Great pictures guys (as always) …. that really gave me goosebumps and made me so so jealous! lol Hopefully if all goes to plan I will be there for Reno next year!
Re: Nellis, Sundays T-6 race
Originally posted by T. AdamsVery cool guys!! I'm jealous!!
Tom Dwelle is one of my favorite people, one of my "heroes" in truth. From the first day I met the man, he's been nothing but top notch to me and everyone I have ever seen him deal with... Just one of the really qauality people in the world and he's got a fine bunch of "kids" and a very nice wife also!
The funny thing about a "mission" like yesterday is how tiring it is. Not only on the photographers who are bending and twisting to try to get the shot, to the pilots!
We were in "hold" for about a half hour in close formo before the race start. Then the actual "race"... When I got out, I shook both Tom and Ken's hands and both were as shaky as I was!
It's damn hard work flying and being flown in formation and racing.
I'd sell body parts to do it again and again!!!!!!!!!!
Being actually "on the course" for the first time was the coolest thing I've ever gotten to do...
WayneWayne Sagar
"Pusher of Electrons"
TJ Dwelle
Re: Nellis, Sundays T-6 race
About 10 years ago, Dad wanted a shot of the Critical Mass flying down the showline with the crowd in the background. We called up Sacramento based photographer extrordinaire Jim Dunn.
It was a hot, bumpy summer afternoon over the Marysville, CA airshow.
One warm up pass in Yankee Air Pirate with #10 on the wing. Then the briefed Low speed/High speed pass in which I buzzed the showline at take off power and the old man blew by me at midfield.
I pulled around to downwind and got ready for the last (photo) pass. As I rolled out on a short base/final, there was still no sign of #10. I keyed the mic. "Race 10, where are you?" "I'll be there" was the reply.
I glanced to my left as we got into the photo zone and there was C.M. parked out there just like she had never left.
We flew the short hop home and gathered at the T-6 for a debrief.
Jim looked beat up. I asked how it went. "That was hard" he replied. "Hot and very bumpy" he added.
I agreed and said "Jim, that why we called you. If it was going to be easy, we could have had someone else take the pictures."
He returned 2 weeks later to show us the slides. When he got to the money shot, it was perfectly focused and framed in front of the crowd.
Nice Shots Victor!