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    Well the title just about sums it up... I can't find my original whine post about pneumonia but crap, I took the five day treatment twice! Thursday and Friday of this week, I was diagnosing an electrical issue with our motorhome.. I started coughing up yellow crap... uh... oh....

    Friday I was totally jubilant that I'd found a frayed wire/short ordered new marker light to make it right..

    Friday evening, I tried to access the message board and, well, you probably saw the same thing I did. I worked on it till m y brain would not work... actually happened pretty quickly...

    VERY early Saturday morning I woke to a 105 degree fever... LUCKILY, BeerNazi had a script she did not use and it was new and, broke the fever.. Slept all day.

    With the help of the service staff at IBM Cloud, where we are located in Texas, I worked out which files to delete that was filling the \var directory. Deleted a bunch of log files and backups for log files to make room.... seems if \var fills sql no workie!

    I gotta bail now thanks for patience!!

    Wish me luck on beating this damn bug! How can 10 days of an antibiotic that is supposed to work in five not beat my viral Pneumonia???

    Depending on how I feel in the AM, might just go back to the ER and find out what to hell is going on!

    Now I gotta wait and see if I deleted too much and something does not work... I'm supposed to be notified by email by the box, this is number three since getting the mysql database going.. no notices were sent... hopefully, this does not continue.. at least, we're back!
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: WE'RE BACK - DATABASE DOWN Wayne has Pneumonia again!

    test test test
    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      Re: WE'RE BACK - DATABASE DOWN Wayne has Pneumonia again!

      Dammit, dude...ya' gotta shake that bug.

      Take good care, Wayne. Here's to the best organism winning!
      Owen Ashurst
      Air Boss


      • #4
        Re: WE'RE BACK - DATABASE DOWN Wayne has Pneumonia again!

        At our ages Wayne, it seems best to hunker down, take care of yourself and let the drugs and your body take do it's job.
        Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


        • #5
          Re: WE'RE BACK - DATABASE DOWN Wayne has Pneumonia again!

          Take care Wayne. Prayers are with you. I was misdiagnosed twice with that crap.
          Lockheed Bob


          • #6
            Re: WE'RE BACK - DATABASE DOWN Wayne has Pneumonia again!

            Wayne, sorry about the pneumonia. the last time I had pneumonia it took months to kick it... in my opinion those "5day" packs are the dr just being lazy and also not wanting to give someone a longer term antibiotic and then not using it up, causing drug resistance! which is great but pneumonia never goes away in 5 days...
            hope you get feeling better!
            Todd Smith

