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Off topic - Meigs Field Chicago

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  • Off topic - Meigs Field Chicago

    This is off topic but it just pisses me of to no end. Apparantly our esteemed mayor of Chicago has seen fit to tear up the runway at Meigs under the cover of darkness last night and without notice to anyone, leaving 16 planes stranded at the airport. This is one of the most insane acts in the name of homeland security I have ever seen. I think the mayor has been watching too much TV. I think when he was watching 24 on FOX and saw a huge nuclear bomb being carried by a Cessna he went overboard. Follow the story at

  • #2
    If it were one day later....

    I'd say... "April Fool"... and leave it at that!!

    Very strange, indeed!

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"


    • #3
      Mayor Daley is an IDIOT

      No April fool. The mayor is so damn paranoid about general aviation aircraft. What a joke!! The EAA has blasted the mayor about his crying for a no-fly zone over the city, which he got after the fed's caved in. They have admitted there is no credible threat, yet they impose the no-fly zone and DA MAYOR, as he is know around here, sees fit to ignore an agreement he signed to keep the field open until 2006, by tearing it up last night. I wonder how the 16 planes stranded will be removed.

      Maybe they can take off from Lake Shore Drive


      • #4
        In the name of "national security"

        Well, this *is* a battle we'll all have to fight...

        If our Nation's "leaders" decide to act rashly, in the name of "national security, when making decisions like this, with removal of our freedoms, it is our DUTY to ensure that they do not do this...

        Now, ya wanna talk protests?? THIS is something you'd get me to protest for!

        The national mentality right now is sort of.. well.. shall we say a bit... nervous?? It's a lot easier for the politico's to take stuff away in this sort of "climate".. what we as vigilant FREE Americans have to do is remember that it is our duty to ensure that our freedoms are NOT removed...

        Man am I turning this into a hotbed for discussion!

        This is pretty serious stuff though, both the initial thread I started about protesting the war in public and this variance from the exact subject of this message.. but...

        It IS pretty important.. What... can our "leaders" just make decisions on their own, go in at night and do whatever the hell they want and tell us to "deal with it"??

        Hardly the way this country is supposed to be setup!

        First Meigs.... what next? It's quite a "homeland security" issue having us plain folk flying and driving about the nation with hardly a check on us... maybe they should take that freedom away too?

        All of this and in the interest of being "politically correct" they can not even use profiling to do secondary checks at airports.. Yea.. let's do it random.. hassle school teachers, WWII Vets, war heroes, mom and dad on vacation with the kids and let Abdhul and his buddies go because their tickets did not come up in the random search queue....

        This is NUTS!

        Wayne Sagar
        The above is purely my "editorial" opinion and does not necessairly reflect on the opinion of anyone else associated with this publication..
        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          No Boat Zone

          There was a nice sarcastic letter to the editor in the Chicago Tribune tonight. The writer said now that we have a no-fly zone, with spring coming we better institute a no boating zone. God knows who is in these boats and what harm they could do so close to Chicago. The problem is some people who read this will probably think the writer was serious and think, damn we need to get all these boats out of lake Michigan!!!!


          • #6
            I hope *everyone* will stop for a second, take a deep breath and realize that if we give in to this sort of panic, we've let the bastards win!

            We're a free country because we have freedoms... freedom to move about however we see fit in whatever means we can afford. That is part of what makes America the greatest nation on earth. Despite their retoric to the contrary, most of the people of the middle east would love to have what we have.

            They certianly have the resources to have great national wealth in a lot of the oil rich lands over "there"... if they can get rid of the theiving tryants who rule them and take all the profits.. they might have a fair chance at it..

            Yea, maybe part of what we do over there is to protect a large part of the world's oil resources but it ain't like we're going to go in and steal it. We'll buy it, at a price, likely set by the nation's most rich in the resource.

            Geez.... is this all that hard to understand or am I just not seeing something really basic?

            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #7
              I say Mayor Daly be charged (personally) by the Fed's for all costs involved in restorng the runway to its original condition, plus fines, plus jail time. What do you suppose would happen if some average citizen did such a dastardly thing? No reason why he should be treated any differently.

              Since that will probably never happen, I guess the people of Chicago must foot the bill through increased taxes...OUCH!!! Whatever happens, I am sure the aviation community will be the only segment of the population to suffer and pay.


              • #8
                Condo In The Sky

                I wonder who the developer is that gets to develop Meigs Field
                now that she is ready for condos, a friend of the Mayor possibly?


                • #9
                  No Condos

                  All along a park was to be put in its place. By the way the Chicago tax payers are paying for the park to the tune of $24-27 million bucks.


                  • #10
                    Meigs Field

                    I'd just like to say it was very wrong of the mayor to close meigs like that, but i guess he'll have enough money from buddies to buy the next election, ya think? I also got the story off aopa's site, and wrote in to the gov and the mayor to let them know more than just users of Meigs are pissed.


                    • #11
                      Hmmm, how interesting. I got a reply from the gov's office, not much in the way of info, just a standard letter thanking me for my interest (interest?!) in thier policies, and to include my address if i want a reply. Sheesh... what a crock. One hand doesn't seem to know what the fingers are doing, but thats just my cynical input. Ok, new topic... who's going to Reno this year? I was living in Vegas last year, but didn't have a chance to go. I'd like to make Oshkosh too, but it probably won't happen this year, grrrrrr.

