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Happy Birthday Bud Granley

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  • Happy Birthday Bud Granley

    Happy Birthday Bud & many more. A great pilot both at Reno racing T6's & at least 1,000,000 air shows flying everything that could get off the ground. I can't forget you dancing @ the Al Goss pit parties.
    Lockheed Bob

  • #2
    Re: Happy Birthday Bud Granley

    Originally posted by Lockheed Bob View Post
    Happy Birthday Bud & many more. A great pilot both at Reno racing T6's & at least 1,000,000 air shows flying everything that could get off the ground. I can't forget you dancing @ the Al Goss pit parties.

    I'll raise a glass to Bud. He is a consumate professional who never fails to provide a safe and exciting show. Consider it an honor to have worked several show with Bud and/or his son Ross. I could always count on them to be respectful and inject just the right amount of humor at just the right time. I also consider it an honor that Bud agreed to provide a letter of recommendation on my behalf to the FAA and ICAS that assisted in my receiving authorization to conduct any airshow in the US. His support meant more to me than I can say.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUD!! AND HERE'S TO MANY, MANY RETURNS! (and I'm sorry to have missed that dance, Bob!).
    Owen Ashurst
    Air Boss


    • #3
      Re: Happy Birthday Bud Granley

      Bud Granley and Bobby Younkin. The only two pilots I've seen who fly a T6 show like it was easy.

      Happy birthday, Bud!


      • #4
        Re: Happy Birthday Bud Granley

        Probably partially caused by years of drinking tooooo much Beer.. My memory fades more each year... I actually had to search the archives to find an image that would remind me what Bud looks like...

        Found this in the "vault"

        I remember that year well, indeed~! Griffon Girl wound up getting to ride from KFalls to Reno in the back seat of Lickity Split... so her first race arrival was IN A RACER.. plus there was much curiosity at the time (we used to like to fan the fires of speculation and wonder) and this story was where we were allowed to unveil the new look of Furias….
        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"

