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  • AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

    This just in! will be offering a daily "blog" with video and... this is really cool.. SCORING WILL BE AUTOMATIC!!!!!!!!!

    If I understood the information correctly... LIVE scoring on the RARA website!!

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

    YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!! If I wasn't going this year I would have to kiss the computer screen... ha
    My heart starts beating again in September.


    • #3
      Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

      WOW!! going hi-tech!!



      • #4
        Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

        Their "press lady" is a dynamo!
        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

          hey Wayne, are you going to set up a live pit cam for us this year?

          One that will have the finish line in view and focused for us to see at home this year?


          • #6
            Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

            Originally posted by wolfee
            hey Wayne, are you going to set up a live pit cam for us this year?

            One that will have the finish line in view and focused for us to see at home this year?
            LOL.. I've got to say, RARA is finally doing what we've wanted to accomplish for ten years but have never been able to find enough manpower within this one person to accomplish it! Not that we've not had help mind you but when the buck stops at the end of the day and it falls to whom exactly will format whatever content has been developed by the "crew" however many that might be.. .and some years, it has pretty much just been myself and Griffon Girl with her magic fingers (that sounds kinky) working the keyboard getting the NAG sheets transformed back into digital format.. (which has always been frustrating since, at some point, they started out as digital and were then converted into sheets).... ahem...

            Anyway... I digress!

            RARA has stepped up to the plate and with their much wider resources, it looks like they are going to provide a lot of what we've always wanted to provide..

            Gee.. next thing ya know, they'lll have a message board and we'll just be like the old soldier who never died.. he just faded away..!! Jussssssst kidding. Trust me Mark and Valerie.. you DON'T want a message board!

            Particularly liked the interview with Dennis Sanders! Never gotten to know him, sort of got "snubbed" by him once, always heard he was a pretty funny and nice guy..

            I've had trouble seeing that side of him, until this interview!

            But.. SOMEBODY's gotta talk to the video editor who does the stuff for RARA.. LOSE the digital zooms!

            On a high res screen, they REALLY go to pork!


            Even with video cameras.. it's about SHUTTER SPEED!

            You don't have to shoot stills to stop a prop, you just get a few more tmes per second to do it!

            Hint Hint..

            This "minute to minute" stuff from RARA at first blush, felt a bit "threatening" and I told my RARA contact that today when we discussed doing the "plug" here. .but.. after a few glasses of Red Wine.. (yes, Gladys, HeadBoardHead does, on occasion, drink a bit of vino as well as his daily liquid bread ration) I see a very good thing here that might just free me from the pressure to perform impossible magic on aafo each day and get to the meat of the story and produce material AFTER the event on a much more realistic time table!

            Frankly, a lot of information is gathered while we "socalize" in the evening.. well do the math.. If I'm shooting all day, working the keyboard all night, then there's no "gladhanding" gonna get done..

            Apart from feeling that it's my "job" to gather the "inside" history of the sport, it's just plain a lot of damn fun doin' it!

            I used to make a choice.. I just stayed at Stead, lived in a hangar, slept in a motorhome, never went to town, stayed up till 4:00am and later... managed to make myself so sick that I almost died in the process..


            What a revelation!

            I don't HAVE to do it anymore!!!!!

            Daily sweat and reports are gonna happen and I don't have to do em' cause someone else is and they got a ton more resources to do it than we ever did/will!!!!!!!!!!!


            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #7
              Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

              Originally posted by wolfee
              hey Wayne, are you going to set up a live pit cam for us this year?

              One that will have the finish line in view and focused for us to see at home this year?
              Errr... mebbie a webcam in the BearCave someday... NO promises.. it's been tossed about, tossed in the waste can it was!

              But.. MAYBE.. Someday!!!!!!

              PS... on any video coverage we might ever do... we're limited by contract to something less than three minutes a day of "live" type coverage since we're considered "press" more so than "media" which is handled by RARA in a completely different way, rightly so!

              Although, IF we ever were able to help with a web cam in the Bear Cave, that would, certainly, fall outside that contract and would be part of our "contract" with the Rare Bear team as a client..
              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #8
                Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

                Although, IF we ever were able to help with a web cam in the Bear Cave, that would, certainly, fall outside that contract and would be part of our "contract" with the Rare Bear team as a client..

                That just means you would need 2 cams then wayne... 1 inside the cave, and 1 on top of the cave!... Kinda like NASCAR has set up with thier garage cams.


                • #9
                  Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

                  Just read the Schedule... Whattza "Epic Aircraft Demo"?...D.


                  • #10
                    Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

                    It's where they fly Epics, duh!

                    Scroll down to where it says Reno Air Races.


                    • #11
                      Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

                      Too Bad. I didn't know what an EPIC was. I thought they might be flying OLD stuff, which would be nice..Mr Mulligan...Wedell...GeeBee...D.


                      • #12
                        Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

                        I would much rather see a C17 demo or a B-1/B-2/U-2 etc flyby than another sales type demo...


                        • #13
                          Re: AIR RACE DOT ORG - HOT!!!!!!

                          You Got That Right, just Fly a UPF-7 around and have the crowd Yell "OH YEAH"...D.

