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Food and drink revisited.

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  • Food and drink revisited.

    First off, I totally undestand the ban on food, alcohol, etc from the gates. It is in the interest of ANY event's sponsors to encourage the use of the concessions and I know on my part I did abuse the privalege a little over the years. I was very grateful that RARA saw the light at the last minute and let water in.
    I had an observation. On Wednesday and Thursday I was'nt even checked. Friday I was, and allowed in with my water. Saturday I had to surrender my water as no liquid was allowed. My son came in later and brought in the water. On Sunday I was in line with a very large person in front of me who basically told the dude checking his bag where to stick his rules, and was let in with the soda and food he had. I was waved thru without a check at that point.
    Just seemed to me a little inconsistant. If it is for security there should be no exceptions.
    The question I was hoping someone here could answer, as nobody on-site at Stead could, was what did they do with the mountain of food and drink that was confiscated? By Saturday afternoon it was the size of a truck. Was it destroyed?
    A lot of it was unopened, packaged goods that could have been re-used or donated. I know of several groups, including my son's masonic youth group, that would have been happy to sort thru it and donate the useable stuff to one of several shelters or food lockers.
    NOT bashing RARA, just honestly trying to have something good come of this.
    Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts

  • #2
    Re: Food and drink revisited.

    The food and drink thing wasn't about security. Taking food and drink from people for an open air gathering in no way enhances security. This type of event does not require, by any stretch, the level of security of commercial airlines. Nor does this event attract troublemakers and hooligans like a British soccer match. (except perhaps in section 3 ;-) ) Nobody checked to see if there was a pistol or grenade in my pocket (there wasn't) and nobody noticed the swiss army knife I always carry. Furthermore there was no effort or mechanism or attempt to detect such things.

    It wasn't about security. It was about vendors profits and perhaps about showing an illusion of security.

    RARA has an agreement (I assume) to try to keep vendors (and their own) revenue up by excluding food and drink at the gate and that, within reason, is OK with me.

    What was not OK with me was that I missed the first F1 race on Saturday, and the first lap of the biplane silver on Sunday, waiting in a long slow line so potato chips could be confiscated.

    The RACES, however, were big fun despite this BS.


    • #3
      Re: Food and drink revisited.

      My buddy was able to get in with his dynamite vest and explosive shoes, but they took his water. I understand that they had to call in the bomb squad to go ahead and blow up all the confiscated items due to a suspicious Twinkie in the pile (it looked like the wrapper had been tampered with).

      I slept much better in the hangar knowing that Securitas had my back!
      Bill Pearce

      Old Machine Press
      Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


      • #4
        Re: Food and drink revisited.

        ah good old securitas! yeah they did a lot !! the only thing they were was the blunt of all jokes but they did look cool with the yellow lights flashing ......... well at least they thought they did
        Chris Moldenhauer


        • #5
          Re: Food and drink revisited.

          Ah ... The yellow flashing lights wern't on a disk shaped object were they???


          • #6
            Re: Food and drink revisited.

            I THOUGHT I recognized Victor's, er, "transportation".
            I really was'nt trying to bash the security. It's all volunteer from what I know (several friends of mine work gates) so it's a given that a critical eye might see the Keystone Cops. Personally I've always thought they do a good job with untrained staff. Most of us resent them because they are in the way of us doing what we want, and of course WE would'nt be dumb enough to walk into a prop while focusing our camera's so why can't we go there?
            I simply thought consistency might bring down the resentment and controversy, and I WOULD like to know about the food.
            Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


            • #7
              Re: Food and drink revisited.

              This thread started pretty innocently in that Leo simply wanted to know if the food that was confiscated was donated or used for other good cause...

              Please, don't turn this thread into a bash session against the only currently successful air race association anywhere on the planet!

              Not being able to bring in food to a closed event is pretty standard, at least I'm led to believe it is, since I don't go to very many events other than Reno..


              Let's not throw barbs at the folks who do donate their time to be gate security or any other function at Reno..

              Thanks in advance..

              Wayne Sagar
              "Pusher of Electrons"


              • #8
                Re: Food and drink revisited.

                Tanx Wayne.
                Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


                • #9
                  Re: Food and drink revisited.

                  I've been to several auto races, same rule. If you want free food and drink I suggest you join the Checkered Flag Club, all the food and drink you want, finally a great grandstand, and best guest speakers anywhere including Bob Hoover almost every year. And I don't think alcohol should be served at any motorsport event. (I drink probably more than I should but only at the hotel during Reno so I'm not anti-beer, just think aviation and alcohol don't mix, just an opinion). The Chairman's club has food and drink too but no guest speakers as far as I know. And the Checkered Flag parking is great, from the time the last unlimited gold plane crossed the finish line to being at the Silver Legacy was never more than 25 minutes. Checkered Flag includes your pit pass and you don't need grandstand seats as we have our own now. I know it ain't cheap but since Reno is the only true vacation I take every year (as an airline pilot I'm pretty sick of travelling) I think it's worth every penny.

                  Ron Henning
                  Ron Henning


                  • #10
                    Re: Food and drink revisited.

                    I was a bit worried about the water ban this year, even though it was eventually lifted for 'personal consumption, sealed bottles'. I normally take a camelback filled mostly with ice with some water so I have cold water all day in the pits. This year, I just bought some of the 1 liter sport bottles at Scolari's, tossed them in an ice chest in the hotel room, and took 2 or 3 each day to the races. I wasn't hassled on either Saturday or Sunday, though I was at the gate at 7:15am on Saturday and ~7:40 am on Sunday (wife in tow, couldn't get there as early as normal ). Not much in the way of lines, and the security dudes just looked in my backpack (I showed them the bag with the water bottles in it) and waved me on through. Saturday was at the mid gate by the pit gate, and Sunday was the main gate by Section 3.

                    I don't really care about the food/alcohol ban, I think that helps the vendors out and doesn't hurt the fans too much. I was mostly worried about the initial water ban since I've been in some scorchers on the tarmac.

                    Oh, probably good to just outright ban anyone with a Sec3 shirt as well. We all know those guys are always a danger!


                    • #11
                      Re: Food and drink revisited.

                      to quote W.C. fields (i dont drink water,fish ____ in it!)
                      I emptied my backpack of everything except my camera and cigars had
                      no problems except the guy at the gate wanted the cigars!
                      not because of security,just because.years past we would stock
                      a cooler and exit to have lunch etc.still close to the show,kind of
                      a nice break from the crowds.i was having a couple of tacos and a
                      beer at the stand when one of the people that sell it in the stands
                      came by and placed his refill order he stated he got hassled by security
                      for having a wagon and wanted to know how he got it in and who he
                      worked was the beer stand company and they let him off.
                      good communication...


                      • #12
                        Re: Food and drink revisited.

                        My issue with the food and drink was this.

                        If you were in the stands, no food or drink.

                        If you had a box down on the tarmac, food, drink, kegs, gas powered mixers, swimming pools, whatever you want.

                        If there is no food or drink, then no food or drink for everyone.

                        Plus, 3 bucks for a 50 cent bottle of water is a tad extreme.


                        • #13
                          Re: Food and drink revisited.

                          Own box , $3,000
                          Medium Rare Tri-tip and flown in Alaskan Salmon, $ 150.00 / day
                          Gas powered mixer (less 2 stroke fuel) , $125.00
                          Adult Beverages , (All bills not in as of yet) $ 700.00
                          Swimming Pool ( 2 doors down)
                          Hangover , PRICELESS

                          Your water costs how much?


                          • #14
                            Re: Food and drink revisited.

                            The folks in the box seats also have to pay a "cooler handling fee" just to get the coolers to the box.
                            Sky Critter


                            • #15
                              Re: Food and drink revisited.

                              And I forgot to mention, spending time in my box with Wayne's g/f while Wayne wasn't there.....

