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Where's the new Unlimited; Madness?

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  • Where's the new Unlimited; Madness?

    “28 Unlimiteds Registered” -- Does that number include David Rose's new unlimited aircraft "Madness"? The racer was entered as a multi-engine land plane with RARA for September 2006. Does anyone out there know what happened?

    "Madness" is Rose’s answer to the 4500 pound (empty weight) rule that eliminated his other new racer "Renegade". I know they started building "Madness" in Nov. '05 and they said it would be finished on July 10th this year in plenty of time to do the test flying and get to Reno in Sept. - So what happened?

    I saw it in May and it looked like all they needed to do was put the systems in and skin it. The engines, fuse, tail, wing, gear and canopy were all done then but I haven't seen it since. Anyone know him and can find out if it's going to race this year? I'll go if it does!
