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Furias for sale, Only $650K!

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  • Furias for sale, Only $650K!

    Okay, I didn't see this posted anywhere else, So I thought I'd post it. :P

    Anyone want to hop in on a joint racing venture? I have ten bucks to start it off. :P

  • #2
    Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

    WOW...thats less than half of what they wanted for Dago.

    I heard a certain biplane racer was buying furias.........HAHAHA


    • #3
      Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

      To bad they are going to sell it...hopefully it stays a racer.


      • #4
        Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

        lol, Wait.. Maybe This will be the bird Tom Cruise goes for? :P

        Conch Fury is for sale too, has been for awhile, for a hundred grand more then Furias at that. damn, I want it.. Sure, I can't fly but Hey.. It'd look good in my backyard.


        • #5
          Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

          It was suggested a while back that members should buy Dago, so why not Furias?

          There are 951 members; 650,000/951= $683.49 per member



          • #6
            Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

            humm better call it an even grand per member. That would cover the overhead. You know stuff like

            hanger fees,

            Oh darn... lol we outa cash already.


            • #7
              Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

              A grand a piece, sounds great to me, RG can fly it for us....


              • #8
                Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

                Ya'know.... the contribution that Bill Rogers and his cohorts have put into the sport are stunning, at the very least....

                Take a bunch of guys, none of them wealthy, all basically just "workers" like the rest of us. Throw in a HUGE dream to go racin and a TON of energy and creativity and you come up with the Everett group at Paine field!

                The fact that Gary L. came in and funded the finals of MAII to get it in the air finally not withstanding, this bunch of folks really are the grist of what it is to go air racing!

                I'm really sad to see that Bill is having to give up the dream!

                Truly hope something comes along that would make it possible for them to keep it in the air RACING as the Rogers Stolz racing team!

                If not.. .Hope someone buys her who is gonna race her!

                Love you guys up there! You were all there for me when I needed friends the most!

                Wish you the best!

                Wayne Sagar
                "Pusher of Electrons"


                • #9
                  Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

                  I think it needs a lot of work...look at the pic of the landing gear and see that the tail is removed..fuias

                  I bet it needs at least 100k to finish it


                  • #10
                    Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

                    Curt, If I get to fly it- do I still have to pony up the $1,000


                    Who is going to fix the wing tips/prop etc. after my first landing! (Assuming a somewhat successful take off)

                    Sure is a neat aeroplane- Hope someone ends up with it that will continue to campaign it as a racer- and doesn't mind feeding that
                    R-4360 YIKES!!!! All the best, RG
                    Warlock #75, Steve Ballard, Al "Papa" Goss
                    RIP 03/17/10


                    • #11
                      Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

                      Randy, I thought you and Tom Cruise were buying Dago.... Or maybe Red and Will can add a second horse to their stable....


                      • #12
                        Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

                        You know Tom Cruise won't talk to me anymore......

                        And I said I was buying a gallon of Dago Red...not the Mustang!

                        How ya doing Curt, have not heard much from you lately. RG
                        Warlock #75, Steve Ballard, Al "Papa" Goss
                        RIP 03/17/10


                        • #13
                          Re: Furias for sale, Only $650K!

                          Am I the only one round here thinking Sea Fury's are getting a little pricey, last time I looked they were in the 300k range. (not that I could afford at that price either) now in the 600k range.

                          I think we need to start a budget racing league with Yak-52s, then run them on the biplane course to keep them in front of the crowd.


