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Can't stand it any longer!

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  • Can't stand it any longer!

    We added a new toy to the stable the week before Reno.

    The T-28C and Canadair T-33 are now up for sale. Guess we are going to be having some fun now eh?
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  • #2
    Re: Can't stand it any longer!

    It's the kind of toy everyone should have.
    Ah, there's an idea for a politcial platform.
    I can see it now...
    ...And if elected your senator, I promise you a Mustang in every pot, er, hangar...


    • #3
      Re: Can't stand it any longer!

      Is that the Tallichet Mustang? I haven't seen it in a long time.


      • #4
        Re: Can't stand it any longer!

        Nice King.. what's the sn/ or "n" number on the airplane? Would like to research it a bit..

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Re: Can't stand it any longer!

          Originally posted by AAFO_WSagar
          Nice King.. what's the sn/ or "n" number on the airplane? Would like to research it a bit..

          Not much of a history behind it, although it does only have about 525 hours total time since new. S/N is 44-63893.


          • #6
            Re: Can't stand it any longer!

            So instead of bringing the Citation to Reno next year........ ? :-)


            • #7
              Re: Can't stand it any longer!

              I think we will probably stick to the Citation next year. Would be a little cheaper.

              Actuall, we did very well at Reno marketing wise. One of the better places we have gone. Lot's of money walking around in the pits.


              • #8
                Re: Can't stand it any longer!

                Originally posted by Unregistered
                Is that the Tallichet Mustang? I haven't seen it in a long time.
                The history shows is was owned by Tallichet 1969 thru 2001.


                • #9
                  Re: Can't stand it any longer!

                  So King, as VP-engineering at an air-mod company, are you anticipating any speed mods to this bird, or will it remain stock?

                  To totally hijack this thread, I've been thinking that someone with deep "resources" needs to revisit the Mike Carrol P-63 project. The airframe is very attractive from a low drag perspective, and the V-1710 has never really been tweaked in an airplane -- recently, anyway.

                  Here's a power package for ya!

                  The boat guys were getting close to 4,000 hp from Allisons. All it needs is money!
                  Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
                  World Speed Record Holder


                  • #10
                    Re: Can't stand it any longer!

                    No, this airplane will remain stock. I do not see it in our future to dabble in speed mods for any racing aircraft. Would be fun, but not really our cup of tea.

                    I could go on and on (like some others) about how I can make those old airplanes go so much faster, but to be honest with you I am sure most of the REAL experts have already studied it and we all now see what can be done. All that is left is engine modifications and that is definantly not our area.


                    • #11
                      Re: Can't stand it any longer!

                      Originally posted by Peashooter
                      To totally hijack this thread, I've been thinking that someone with deep "resources" needs to revisit the Mike Carrol P-63 project. The airframe is very attractive from a low drag perspective, and the V-1710 has never really been tweaked in an airplane -- recently, anyway.

                      I think you're confusing two separate projects here. Mike Carroll had the old Cobra II P-39. It had clipped wings and a general lightening project to it, but still maintained the original cockpit shape. This is the plane that crashed at Seal Beach in 1968 after Mike bailed out due to a vibration on the first post-modification flight (the plane never actually lost control while he was at the controls, despite reports to the contrary).

                      Larry Havens had the old Charles Tucker "Easter Egg" P-63 that he bought from Darryl Greenamyer in 1969. He modified the hell out if it, with clipped wings, and a tiny bubble canopy just like off of Conquest 1. Larry brought it to San Diego '71, and raced it at Reno that same year to only moderate success. It was then lost in Long Beach harbor in 1972 when Larry had an induction system failure on a test flight.

                      Which plane are you referring to?


                      • #12
                        Re: Can't stand it any longer!

                        You're right Speed, I was thinking of Larry Havens' P-63: low frontal area, laminar flow wing, high prop efficiency -- there's lot's to suggest that it might go; given the right team, pilot and power. 'Course, the fuse would have to be stretched to accomodate the turbo-compound V-1710...maybe a boil-off radiator in the nose in place of the armament...

                        Rutan Long EZ, N-LONG
                        World Speed Record Holder


                        • #13
                          Re: Can't stand it any longer!

                          Originally posted by speeddemon
                          Cobra II P-39 that crashed at Seal Beach in 1968.

                          "Easter Egg" P-63 was lost in Long Beach harbor in 1972.
                          Apparently, and this is just a guess, one should never fly a Cobra (Air or King) over/near water????????????? L'nMAO

                          Never mind. Maybe next year


                          • #14
                            Re: Can't stand it any longer!

                            Originally posted by Air Race Addict
                            Apparently, and this is just a guess, one should never fly a Cobra (Air or King) over/near water????????????? L'nMAO

                            Dang, yeah....especially if you consider that Jack Woolams was killed in Cobra I when he crashed into Lake Ontario.


                            • #15
                              Re: Can't stand it any longer!

                              Originally posted by Peashooter
                              You're right Speed, I was thinking of Larry Havens' P-63: low frontal area, laminar flow wing, high prop efficiency -- there's lot's to suggest that it might go; given the right team, pilot and power. 'Course, the fuse would have to be stretched to accomodate the turbo-compound V-1710...maybe a boil-off radiator in the nose in place of the armament...
                              My understanding is that Larry had bought a Merlin and was going to modify Crazy Horse to accept it for the 1973 racing season. Would have been an interesting concept. Somewhere at home I have a 'conceptual drawing' done by Bell of a P-63 done with that very modification. And if looked weird, because it had this Mustang-type radiator scoop under the wing.

                              Haven't spoken with Larry in five or six years, but I think he still lives in the Hemet Valley area...maybe if someone could track him down, it would be interesting to ask about his thoughts.

