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*Off Topic* Blowing My Own Horn

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  • *Off Topic* Blowing My Own Horn

    I know this is not air racing related, but.. I'm sort of feeling kind of proud right now... and I doubt anyone would ever find out, unless I "toot my own whistle"... so...

    I just returned from four days at ICAS in Dallas, the website that I created for the Nellis Air Show, Aviation Nation took second place in the annual marketing competition in the "large airshow" category..

    Anyway, since that was one of the main projects that kept me from doing a lot on AAFO.COM this last season (or my excuse, at least ) I thought that giving my own horn a toot or two for the almost "win" of the contest would be forgiven by the masses..

    Since designing and hosting websites is a major portion of my income (if you can call what I bring in annually from that venture, "income") this sort of means a lot to me...

    Hope I'm forgiven for the transgression of the self toot... and.. for the stupid file thing that has, for some unknown reason, broken since the last server upgrade that I did, to where the rotating image thing in the upper left corner of the website, main page, no longer works unless you force a refresh of the page (canna figure it out cap'in.... I changed nothing on the code, but for some reason, the version of the file that your browser caches, does not play when the page is loaded... )

    Anyway.. good thing it was working when they did the judging ey!!

    Wayne Sagar
    "Pusher of Electrons"

  • #2
    Congrats.... you done good.

    Bill Pearce

    Old Machine Press
    Blue Thunder Air Racing (in memoriam)


    • #3
      Most excellent!

      I looked at that site a while ago - it was great.
      I had no idea it was you! (dumb newbies anyway).
      When is Nellis next year anyway?


      • #4
        Thanks to both of you. I think Nellis is November 13-14 or something like that.

        I'm unsure if my involvement with the show will continue, though I sincerely hope so. (one never knows from year to year, month to month, what will happen as a "contractor" for services)

        Anyway, it was a great show, a fun convention (if you can call being on your feet constantly for four days fun ) and I hope I developed some new clients out of the time there..

        Wayne Sagar
        "Pusher of Electrons"


        • #5
          Congratulations, that is awesume and very well deserved! You worked so hard on that. Any other awards for the show?? Any "scuttlebutt" on the magazine????


          • #6
            Originally posted by connie
            Congratulations, that is awesume and very well deserved! You worked so hard on that. Any other awards for the show?? Any "scuttlebutt" on the magazine????
            Hi Connie, thanks! It was a lot of work to be sure!

            Nothing on the magazine/program because, it was not finished early enough to enter this year's competition. I think, it would have won though had it been entered. I believe they can and will enter it into next year's marketing competition though.

            That would have been very cool to win with that. We both put a ton of effort into it too!

            This year was somewhat of a whirllwind year for me. WAY more projects to do than usual, both the Heritage Cup and Nellis sites, as well as the work for the program. Sort of a different angle on things than I've done in the past but.. man, I'm tired right now!

            Four days standing around, two of them, wearing my dress shoes that look a whole lot better than they feel, have my legs feeling like I'm 62 rather than 52 ;-)

            Anyway... thanks! It was both a disappointment not to win and a TOTAL rush to actually see the image of the site up there for a brief moment as it was announced as second..

            Maybe next year!

            Wayne Sagar
            "Pusher of Electrons"


            • #7

              Great site Wayne!
              We mortals always appreciate your work, but it means so much to be recognized by the "peers".

              (bow, bow, grovel, grovel)

              Leo Smiley - Graphics and Fine Arts


              • #8
                Re: Cudos!

                Originally posted by DA BEAR
                One of these days, I'm going to have to graduate from Front Page.
                Hummn.. well.. I still use a very antique version of same for the basic stuff..

                I also use a lot of additional "tricks of the trade" but I view programs like FP the same way as I do the automatic tranny in my Chevy. I don't need to shift but I can always pull the lever to change gears if I want to..

                There are some very good automated programs out there, including far more advanced versions of FP, however... I don't like the way they handle java script, nor have I ever used the publishing feature of FP, too insecure, WAY too insecure!!

                It's just easier to use something familiar for stuff like tables and cells, particularly tables and cells!

                If you've ever stared at a page of html "code" for very long, especially the opening and closing tags for cells and tables, you'll know what I mean. forget or mess up one character and the entire page needs to be worked over to find your error.

                Time is $$ and it's just faster to use something like FP. I've also always noted that of those who write raw code, the sites seem to lack an "overview" of what it will look like. I do not possess the technical vision to see what I'm doing when working in raw code. I need to actually "see" what I'm making.. For sure, the old version of FP that I use, particularly mated to the code mods that I use, does not constitute what you'd call WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) but it's close enough for me to get close to what I want..

                Certainly, dreamweaver offers a tempting choice in a high end html editor.. but.. I'm sort of like Neal and digital in this respect.. it works, so I'm not going to fix it right now.. There is some code "bloat" in the version of FP that I use.. it tags a lot of stuff that does not need to be tagged... but.. one advantage of that is it's very "backward compatible" with most older browsers.. which some of us still use..

                Thanks for the compliments guys and gals! One of the next projects I very much need to get to is a rework of this site itself!

                Some old sections need to be lost, some new one's need to be added.. maybe this winter.. maybe never but it's a work in progress, at least in my brain...

                Wayne Sagar
                "Pusher of Electrons"


                • #9
                  Congratulations! The Aviation Nation site is very professional looking. I found tons of info there and it helped my family plan an excellent trip to Vegas and the air show. Too bad the weather wasn't any where near as nice as the web site.


                  • #10
                    Damn Wayne, if I had known you were in my neck of the woods I'd have bought you a beer or four.


                    • #11
                      Great Job!!!

                      I was going to ask you what you used to do that. I keep telling myself one of these days I need to start my own site, and I will someday.

                      About Dreamweaver, I downloaded a trial, and I was lost. I think I'll stick with FP when I do get around to it, since I'm so familiar with MS Office stuff.


                      • #12
                        Hey Tyson.. was good to see a familiar face in the SportsBar Saturday! It'd been a long day with little sleep and I needed a relaxer!

                        It was great to "place" in the marketing competition. I've had a few other sites entered over the years, (I think, via clients) but never placed.. Chuck Ramey was good enough to enter the site. In reality, as the winners were being announced, I sat there almost hoping that the site did not win so I'd not have to go up on stage to get the little award thingie!! Then my evil twin was WANTING TO GO UP THERE AND GET THE DARN AWARD...

                        It's hard living with two people inside one body..

                        I figure that Dallas and Vegas were about as cold as each other. I flew through Vegas returning to PDX on Tuesday evening.. if I remember correctly, the temps were pretty similar. Not NEARLY as windy as Dallas was though.. I was pretty disappointed on the departure, I'd hoped for a really bumpy ride.. the guys did a great job of finding smooth air and there was only a few bumpies to make it exciting..

                        That was a compliment to the America West pilots, by the way...

                        Nice seeing you again Tyson, the photos in your booth were great and thanks for giving me a place to cool my heels once in a while.

                        Wayne Sagar
                        "Pusher of Electrons"


                        • #13

                          Wayne - Mitch here - that is awesome and you need 24 beers with limes...if I were only there. Great Job!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Excellent

                            Originally posted by Unregistered
                            Wayne - Mitch here - that is awesome and you need 24 beers with limes...if I were only there. Great Job!!!
                            Heeey Mitch! Good to hear from ya bud!

                            Cold back there???

                            Bout those beers.. yep, but only if you come out to help me consume them!!


                            Wayne Sagar
                            "Pusher of Electrons"


                            • #15
                              Nellis Air Show


                              Well buddy, you got the pat on the back, and handshake at the luncheon, but I have to add my congratulations. You are such a professional with the ability to cover an event, and promote it at the same time. I think I'll stick to the promotion end of the world. Let's do it again, soon!

                              Your friend,


